Nearly a decade ago Charlie Dates became the youngest senior pastor in Chicago’s Progressive Baptist Church’s 100-year history. He also holds a PhD in theological studies and has contributed to two books: Letters to a Birmingham Jail and Say It:...
Ben Witherington III discusses his socio-rhetorical commentary on Romans (0:10), and a lesson in how to use fill-in-the-blank questions in Proclaim to engage your congregation (5:00). Study Romans deeper with Dr. Ben Witherington III...
Bobby Conway, the one-minute apologist, discusses how the Church can use apologetics to understand the current culture (:10). Then, gain a deeper understanding of the book of Psalms using Psalms Explorer (3:35). Learn about apologetics from the one...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, Dr. Michael Heiser talks about his latest book, Demons. Known for his ability to explain what the Bible really teaches, Dr. Heiser brings clarity into an area believers often struggle to understand—evil spiritual...
At the start of his academic career, Dr. Michael Heiser wasn’t interested in the supernatural world. It was only after two master’s degrees and PhD study that one verse startled him awake and led him down a path into the Bible few take—finding...
Tremper Longman III is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. He’s written over 25 books, and his writings have been translated into 17 different languages. He’s one of the main translators of the New Living...
Dr. Andy Naselli discusses the main steps in interpreting Scripture (0:10), and Todd Bishop walks us through the Discourse Dataset Filters in Logos (2:15). Dive into New Testament exegesis with Dr. Naselli The whole point of exegesis is to know...
An interview with Justin Wise on establishing your church’s social media presence (:10), and Dr. Steve Runge discusses how to find joy in your work (5:40). Establish your church’s social media presence Did you know that you can see reviews of...
Dr. Craig Evans explains the difference in how the original audiences of Scripture read the texts (:10), and Dr. Mike Heiser talks about the significance of reading ancient texts that the biblical authors read as well. Study the world of Jesus and...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, Sean McDowell discusses whether Christians can present a compelling biblical sexual ethic amid such a confused culture. Sean says yes—but only by looking to Jesus. Sean is an associate professor in the Christian...
Dr. Steve Runge introduces referring expressions in Hebrews 2:10 (:10), and Kay Warren discusses how to counsel a friend with mental illness (2:00). Learn how language affects Scripture with Dr. Runge Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is...
In this week’s training mailbag segment, we’ll be fielding additional questions about using Faithlife Proclaim. As always, whether we’ve addressed your questions or not, we’d love to hear from you! Add your questions as new comments below, and we...
Dr. John Schwandt shares about the nature and benefits of his interactive Greek alphabet course (0:10), and then, a tip on how to show Scripture onscreen in the middle of a church service (3:35). Study Greek with Dr. John Schwandt For serious...
The number-one obstacle to improving Faithlife software is a shortage of awesome software developers. And they may be hiding in your church, school, or neighborhood. We need your help to find them—and we’ll pay you for it! Refer a software developer...
Greet your members with a warm welcome to church—whether you’re meeting in person again or holding live stream church services and events. June’s new Faithlife Media will help you do it! Announce your church’s COVID-19 updates Spread the word about...
Dr. John Scwhandt discusses the benefits of studying Greek (0:10), and a Logos Pro Tip about studying the Dead Sea Scrolls (4:00). Study Greek with Dr. John Schwandt For serious theological study, you need to be able to recognize the original words...
Kristen Schafer shares how she uses Logos reading plans to stay connected with friends throughout the country (0:10), and Todd Bishop shares how to use Exegetical Guides in Logos (4:05). Access Reading Plans in Logos—free Both of the features...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, hear from FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine who discusses how COVID-19 will affect marriages and divorce rates—a big question for governments and churches alike. Bob sheds expert light on what a godly, healthy...
Scholar George Guthrie discusses how understanding the structure of Hebrews helps us interpret it (0:10), and a pro-tip on setting multiple service times in Proclaim (5:05). Study Hebrews with Dr. Guthrie This course is the culmination of over 20...
Preaching expert Bryan Chapell talks about his ministry (0:10), and Todd Bishop shows how to use the Visual Copy feature in Logos (4:55).
Dr. Craig Blomberg discusses how understanding the historical nature of the Gospels informs the inerrancy debate (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge gives a lesson on honor from Ephesians (3:15). Get the Craig L. Blomberg Collection New Testament specialist...
Dr. Steve Runge teaches about delay in the Bible (0:10), and Todd Bishop shows how to use the Psalms Explorer tool in Logos (2:15). Keep learning how language works with Dr. Runge Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is based almost entirely...
Justin Wise discusses step three of the four steps of digital ministry (0:10), and Dr. Heiser addresses the notion that everything in the Bible is about Jesus (3:15).
In this week’s training mailbag segment, we’ll be talking about using Faithlife Proclaim alongside PowerPoint and Keynote. Whether or not the questions we answer here are yours, we’d love to hear from you! Add your questions below, and we may answer...
A Bible professor explains how he uses Logos Bible Software (0:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser takes a close look at what it means to be made in the image of God (2:05). Dive into New Testament exegesis with Dr. Naselli’s Mobile Ed course When...
Bryan Chapell teaches on expository preaching (0:10), and Scott Lindsey sits down with Gary Barnes to discuss pastoral counseling (4:20). Learn how to ‘say what the text says’ Bryan Chapell says expository preaching is all about...
What does the Bible say about the value of women? Does it teach that women are as valuable as men—or does it portray them as somehow more flawed, more suspect, or weak and easily deceived? Explore those questions with bestselling author Elyse...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, hear from Dr. Gary Habermas about a topic that has amazed, delighted, and bewildered Christians for centuries—the resurrection of Christ—along with an exploration of death and near-death experiences. Dr. Habermas is a...
The context of Paul’s authority is explored in an animated look at Philippians (:10), and Dr. Eric Tully dives into the book of Jonah. See the full animated commentary You can now experience Steve Runge’s groundbreaking High Definition...
If sermon podcasting sounds like an impossible task, there’s something you need to know: you probably already have everything you need to do it. You use the equipment for every service. You don’t need extra software—assuming you’re using Faithlife...