Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.—Charles Spurgeon The Bible is the book of my life. It’s the book I live with,the book I live by, the book I want to die by.—N. T. Wright As Christians, the Bible...
Dr. Michael Licona talks about the struggles with doubting your faith (:10), and Todd Bishop offers a Logos Pro tip on using the LXX Translation Ring (4:10). Study apologetics with Dr. Licona and others Discover various approaches to sharing your...
The One-Minute Apologist Bobby Conway talks about loving non-believers with our minds (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge shares a lesson from the Faithlife Language Lab (3:22).
Kristen Schafer discusses how your church community can grow closer using Faithlife Groups (0:10), and Todd Bishop teaches you how (and why) to use Bible reading plans in Logos (2:05). Grow with your church through Faithlife Groups Faithlife Groups...
An interview with Sean McDowell on the topic of homosexuality (:10), and a visit to the Faithlife Language Lab with Dr. Steve Runge on Greek prepositions (7:35). Learn how to talk about homosexuality from Sean McDowell Get equipped to respond...
The coronavirus has impacted the Church in unprecedented ways. In this Faithlife Live, N. T. Wright discusses a different perspective for responding to the pandemic, why it’s important to be rooted in Scripture, and how to carry out the Church’s...
In this Faithlife Today webinar, hear from worship leaders Shane & Shane who discuss their process of writing worship songs and the centrality of Scripture as well as how their ministry, the Worship Initiative, resources the Church. Head to...
Dr. Roger Olson discusses predestination and Calvinism (0:10), and Elliot Ritzema shares about the Spurgeon commentary series (2:00). Explore Dr. Olson’s argument against Calvinism Dr. Olson holds degrees from Rice University, North American...
Bobby Conway talks about the One-Minute Apologist and how it got its start (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge talks about questioning our own expectations when interpreting the Bible (4:00). Keep learning from Dr. Conway with Introducing Evangelism Gain...
Dr. Steve Runge explains what to do when you see “for” in the Bible (0:10), and the Logos Pro team shows you how to create custom study Bibles in Logos (3:15). Keep learning how language works with Dr. Runge Our understanding of the Greek New...
Dr. Bobby Conway discusses challenges facing evangelism today and the solution to our weaknesses (0:10), and a mini-documentary expands on the ancient context of the pagan god Ba’al we often read about in Scripture (5:25). Study evangelism with...
COVID-19 has impacted the Church in unprecedented ways. In this Faithlife Live, Matt Chandler and The Care of Souls author Harold Senkbeil will share insights on pastoral lessons learned, how COVID-19 will change ministry, and more. Check back each...
Dr. William Klein discusses how to interpret various New Testament genres (:10), and Dr. Steven Runge talks about Greek prepositions in the Faithlife Language Lab (2:51). See how genre affects Scripture The Bible is a complex mix of literary genres...
Get a look at archaeology in action (:10), and learn from expert Craig Evans about the role of archaeology in biblical studies (4:20). Keep learning about archaeology Explore archaeological digs in Israel by joining distinguished scholars in the...
Dr. Andrew Peterson discusses the intersection of technology and education (:10), and then, discover Logos features that give deeper theological insights (4:55). Learn more about the use of technology in Christian education You just saw a preview of...
Dr. Bryan Chapell identifies common mistakes preachers make (:10) and then discusses ways preachers can focus their messages on Christ (4:20). Prepare and deliver Christ-centered sermons In these courses on expositional preaching, Dr. Bryan Chapell...
What is the future of theological education and digital discipleship? In this week’s Faithlife Live video, Dr. John Schwandt discusses exciting new trends and technologies for equipping the Church for the work of the ministry. Head to...
The one-minute apologist Bobby Conway discusses a good approach to apologetics (:10), and Matt and Lauren Chandler share insights on marriage (2:45). Get a crash course on evangelism Dr. Bobby Conway is the founder of the YouTube sensation, The One...
Dr. Nicholas Perrin discusses why it matters theologically that Jesus was the living temple (:10), and Todd Bishop gives viewers a Logos Pro tip (4:05). Develop a biblical theology of the kingdom of God Explore the kingdom through the parables of...
Your church media attracts attention—whether you’re meeting in person again or holding live stream church services and events. July’s new Faithlife Media gives you even more options to make a splash. Use the eye-catching graphics to . . ...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, we talk with African American pastors Charlie Dates and Bryan Loritts, who offer guidance on how the Church should respond to the evil of racism and discuss gospel implications.
Kristen Tetteh talks about what motivates the developers of Faithlife Proclaim (0:10), and Dr. David deSilva discusses Caesar Augustus’ role in Luke’s infancy narrative (4:30).
Today, July 17, is World Emoji Day, and here at Faithlife, it’s an opportunity to do one of the things we enjoy most—open God’s Word together. For today’s World Emoji Day, see if you can guess these Bible stories told in emojis, as shared by...
You’ve probably experienced triage if you’ve ever visited an emergency room. . . . medical triage: assigning degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide in what order to treat a large number of patients. Triage is the action of sorting...
Justin Wise teaches the first step to digital ministry (0:10), and the Faithlife motion graphics team showcases an animation inspired by Isaiah 55 (4:00). Establish your church’s social media presence Did you know that you can see reviews of a...
Dr. George Guthrie discusses the book of Hebrews (:10), and Dr. Steve Runge explains Galatians 5:16 from the Faithlife Language Lab (3:50). Study Hebrews with Dr. Guthrie This course is the culmination of over 20 years of research and teaching on...
Watch an inspiring visual animation of Proverbs 31 created by the Faithlife design team (0:10), and hear Elyse Fitzpatrick share insights from Ephesians 5:1 (4:05). Watch more Bible animations Did you enjoy the Proverbs 31 video? See more Bible...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, we talk with Super Bowl MVP and Champion Nick Foles about his journey of faith as a professional athlete—the highs, lows, and most importantly, God’s faithfulness through it all. Head to to...
Dr. Greg Forster talks about how developing a theology of work affects our understanding of economics (0:10), and Matt and Lauren Chandler explain why marriage books sometimes cause more harm than good (5:24). Take a closer look at the theology of...
Dr. Jay Sklar discusses the book of Leviticus (:10), and Dr. Steve Runge talks about friendship and the book of Proverbs (6:00). Learn more about Leviticus In this course, Book Study: Leviticus, Dr. Jay Sklar walks you through the challenging...