4 Benefits of a Preaching Calendar

There are many benefits to a long-term communication strategy or preaching calendar. Don’t miss out by just planning week to week.

Here are four benefits of creating a long-term plan:

1. Promotes cooperation

Worship leaders can do a lot with song selection and transition statements to reinforce your communication objectives. Behind the preaching pastor, the worship leader is the second most visible person in the church leadership. The more information they have ahead of time about your goals, the more help they can provide.

2. Ensures balance

A long-term preaching calendar will ensure that you don’t spend two months out of every year in your favorite epistle or ignore the minor prophets.

3. Limits emergencies

We all get “preacher’s block” from time to time, but a long-term strategy lets your subconscious mind get to work on your sermon months in advance. It will guide your personal study in the meantime, and it will limit the number of times you feel at a loss for what to write or say.

4. Guides supporting ministries

Small groups, youth group, support group, and counseling ministries can all play off the Sunday morning service, reinforcing it and amplifying its power. But they can only do this if you plan far enough ahead to let them make plans of their own.
Do you have a long-term communication strategy for your church? Does the church leadership have access, or is it kept a secret?

Written by
Ray Deck III

Born in WV, Ray escaped to North Carolina at a young age. He came to Logos after an 8 year stint at a faith-based nonprofit in New York. When he is not assembling sequences of words, he’s probably running, surfing or shooting skeet, but you should probably go look for him. He has a terrible sense of direction and is probably lost.

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Written by Ray Deck III
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